Finding the Good in My Worst Customer Service Experience Ever

I have been trying to transfer my domain for three weeks now. Per my web developer, this should have been a simple procedure. Yet, my original registry could not get the transfer right. After so many hours either on the phone or on chat, they continue to drop the ball even on the simplest tasks. From agents not giving the right information to departments not talking to each other to provide status, to sending me another customers’ information, it was the worst customer service experience of my life. This brings me to today’s topic, Customer Service.

The agents who helped me at first were nice. However, I soon find out that all their words were empty. They did not really care for their customers as not one agent went beyond to resolve my problems. All they continued to tell me was they’ve done all that they can and I have to wait 24-48 hours. After waiting, I find out that they missed something. Three weeks later, my website is still inoperable.

finding the good globaltynet

As with every bad experience, I try to see the good with the bad. And owning a company who offers Customer Service outsourcing, the good part in all this is I learned how NOT to treat my customers. Whether the customer is my clients or my clients’ clients (if they used me as the outsourcing company), I, and my associates, must treat our customers’ time with the utmost urgency. This means resolving their issues as quickly as humanly possible.

To me, that is the level of customer service every person who contacts my business deserves. To have their questions and concerns addressed in a timely manner. Just as Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk did when he received a customer complain via twitter and how fast he resolved the issue. Customer contacts that cannot be resolved in one point of contact must be measured and reviewed by management in some kind of metric to bring such issues to light and addressed with urgency to improve the customer’s experience. Further, continual training is imperative for all associates. This will not only minimize misinformation, as what I experienced, but will also ensure agents maximize their resources on every customer contact.

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